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TALENTWOOD MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT ASSOCIATION is a non-profit organization that is devoted to providing educational and professional resources to media and entertainment professionals. Our mission is to support our members in achieving their creative and career goals. We believe in empowering our members by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to succeed in the media and entertainment industry.


At TALENTWOOD MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT ASSOCIATION, our mission is to provide educational and professional resources to media and entertainment professionals. Our history dates back to the early days of the media and entertainment industry, where we began as a small group of professionals dedicated to supporting each other's creative and career goals. Over the years, our organization has grown to become a leading non-profit in the industry, providing our members with the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in a competitive and ever-changing industry. We take pride in our commitment to our members and are dedicated to helping them achieve their dreams.


  • To provide legal, medical, residential, psychological or any other help. Assistance or charitable support for women, adolescents, and marginalized groups in particular those who are victims of any kind of sexual abuse and/or harassment violence or any other kind of atrocity or violation.

  • To set up and maintain a resource center for women, adolescents and marginalized groups.

  • To promote and encourage the education, welfare empowerment and the upliftment of women, adolescents, and marginalized groups through all such activities and efforts to bring about awareness about gender and gender related issues with a focus on equality, to allay reduce resist attack/ persecution oppression and discrimination.

  • To educate Society and others on various issues related to the basic democratic rights of women, youth, and marginalized groups that exist under the constitution of India or any other law. 

  • To undertake and/or sponsor research and analysis projects related to gender and gender related issues with a focus on equality.

  • To establish, setup, and run in any part of coaching institutes, Hospitals, Dharamshalas, Schools, colleges, university, Home for the Juvenile Children/ Orphans, Woman in distress, The aged and the Handicapped, Study Centre, oral coaching classes, where in professional, technical, vocational or higher education in every field of science, commerce, arts, management, engineering, law, medicine, hospitality, tourism, computers, Acting, Modeling, Direction, Singing, Dancing or any other type of education be imparted by conducting regular, part time.

  • To carry on Vocational, Educational and Professional training.

  • To set up and administer a library and documentation center.

  • To help the needy persons of the society in every manner within the means of the association.

  • To provide various NGO or public sector-funded scholarships to Indian students by which they will be able to get some financial help and support for the continuation of their studies.

  • To eradicate Social evils like dowry, female infanticide, untouchability, etc.

  • To enter into agreement with any person, company or association or firms having objects similar to those of the association.

  • To preserve, promote and perpetuate the traditional cultural forms and practices as well as artistic manifestations including folklore, literature, indigenous crafts and allied Page 10of 14 cultural expressions of the India.

  • To create the awareness about the cultural expressions at school level by establishing cultural centers.

  • To achieve absolute excellence in the field of Art, Culture, Music, Dance, Drama etc. by way of providing support to the artists, Crews and art organization.

  • To carry out all types of development programmes and undertake all types of initiatives and interventions in the areas of hunger and food security, gender equality, education, agriculture and natural resources, poverty alleviation, health and nutrition, slum development, environment, renewable energy, water resources, income and livelihood creation and support, and any area in which development activity and intervention is required.

  • To collaborate with other institutions such as academic, research, government, nongovernmental institutions (NGOs); community based organizations (CBOs), civil society organizations (CSOs) and consultancy agencies both national and international in implementation of projects and programmes, undertaking studies and action research, and sharing of information.

  • To support or conduct to facilitate improvements in pedagogical techniques, quality of teachers, school leadership, or any other aspect that directly or indirectly contributes to the improvement of education.

  • To engage / invite and assist the services of experts for the promotion of main objects of the company on payment of fees or remuneration of honorarium or otherwise.

  • To undertake, conduct, organise, support, encourage and participate in seminars, workshops, conferences, congresses, conventions, councils, training, lecture series, and/or group discussions to generate public awareness as well as to increase awareness among policy makers.

  • To collect, gather and distribute statistical and technical information relating to the issues highlighted in the main objects of the company and for that purpose to print, publish, issue and circulate papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other literature, and hold seminars, meetings, conferences, discussions and produce and distribute films, cassettes.

  • To encourage and conduct research pertaining to the issues highlighted in the main objects of the company; and for that purpose, to establish, construct, promote, form and maintain necessary institutions; and to provide therein all technical assistance and other necessary facilities therein. Make payment to any association, organisation or academic institution to be used for research in any field.

  • To serve as a Resource Centre for collecting, storing, collating and disseminating suitable communication materials and information from different sources to complement the main objectives of the Company.

  • To establish and support professorship, fellowships and lectureships, scholarships, chairs and prizes and loans at any institution dealing with the objectives of the Company.

  • To survey all the matters in any way effecting or touching the business activities and profession and of any other developments thereof; and to decide upon intimating and supporting proper methods and / or channels to deal with and dispose of any contingency affecting or touching the said business, activity or profession that may arise and for that matter to co- operate and /or associate with other Page 4 of 14 organisations with similar objects as the company

  • To incubate ideas and opportunities for leveraging information technology for economic, social and cultural growth.

  • To act as a Consultant, Counsellor, Facilitator and/or Provider of information, in respect of any institution or organisation or individual on hunger and food security, gender equality, education, agriculture and natural resources, poverty alleviation, health and nutrition, slum development, environment, renewable energy, water resources, income and livelihood creation and support, and any area in which development activity and intervention is required.

  • To provide vocational / educational guidance and counselling and/or establishing, supporting, conducting, vocational guidance bureau either virtual orreal.

  • To organize exchange programs for representatives, functionaries, staffs and people involved in initiatives which further the objectives of the company, and to provide training of work in Indra or abroad.

  • To fix and demand fees and other charges for products sold and services rendered by the Company.

  • To make donations, grant endowments and/or otherwise assist in any form whatsoever to any person(s), organisations, public charitable institutions, companies, societies, trusts, foundations, academic and/or cultural institutions who have object(s) similar to any cne or more of the objects of the Company for the purpose of promoting, assisting and / or encouraging the carrying and / or achievement of such objects or object for the benefit of the people in general.

  • To provide, endow, furnish Page 4 of 14 and/or fit out any of its property with all necessary furniture, instruments and other equipment and maintain and / or manage offices, premises centre, institutions and other establishments or institutions for the furtherance and/or advancement of any one or more of the objects of the Company.

  • To acquire land with or without buildings and to construct thereon the building or buildings to achieve the objects and purpose of the company and / or to acquire suitable premises on ownership basis or on such other terms and conditions may be decided by the management.

  • To purchase, rent, take on lease or in exchange or on leave and license, or otherwise acquire or obtain possession of any moveable or immoveable property, rights or privileges which may be deemed necessary or convenient for any of the objects of the company from any person, Company, Society, Foundation, Trust, Organisation and/or Institution

  • To raise necessary funds and accept donations, contributions (in cash or kind) subscriptions, grants of money, securities, and property of any kind and/or to undertake and accept the management of transfership of any endowment, trust fund or donation not inconsistent with the objects of the Company.

  • To establish, operate, and engage in business activities for the purpose of revenue earning in order to meet the main objects of the company

  • To accept donations, assistance and/or funds on behalf of the Implementing Agencies from the Government, foreign donors, and/or any other donor agency subject to such laws as may be applicable in the manner stated above and to obtain necessary accounts and information regarding the physical and Page 4 of 14 financial progress from the Implementing Agency / Agencies.

  • To establish a Fund / Funds for carrying out any one or more the objectives of the Company as may be thought fit.

  • To create any Depreciation Fund, Reserve Fund, Insurance Fund or any other Special Fund, whether for depreciation or for repairing, improving, extending or maintaining any of the immovable or moveable property of the Company, or for any other purpose conducive to and in the interests of the Company.

  • To promote and/or become a member of any Company or Companies, (whether limited by shares or guarantee or both) body or association (whether corporate or not) for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property rights and liabilities of the Company, and / or for the furtherance of all the objects or any of them in this company.

  • To sell or to dispose of the undertaking of the Company or any part thereof for such consideration as the Company may think fit and in particular for shares, debentures or other securities or any other securities of any other company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this Company.

  • To nominate representatives on Association or institution having similar or allied objects on the committee of the Board or Committee of Governing Body or Board of Trustees of such other Association and / or institutions whenever interested in furthering the main objects of the company.

  • To enter into partnerships or any arrangement, whether in India or elsewhere, for union of interest, co-operation, reciprocal concession or otherwise with any person or Company carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on Page Or engage in any activities or transaction which the Company is authorized to carry on or engage in or any activities or transaction capable of being conducted.

  • To enter into any agreement with any Government or authorities (municipal, local or otherwise) or any corporations, companies, or persons, or any cooperative society or organization or institutions in any part of the world which may seem conducive to the Company's objects or any of them and to obtain from any such Government authority, corporation, company or person any contracts, rights, moneys, privileges, licenses and concessions which may be thought by and/or on behalf of the Company desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise and comply therewith.

  • To apply for secure, acquire by grant, legislative enactment, assignment, transfer purchase or otherwise and to exercise, carry out and enjoy and charter, license, power, authority, franchise, concession, right, or privilege, which any Government or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise in any corporation or other public body may be empowered to grant, and to pay for, aid in and contribute towards carrying the same into effect, and to issue and / or appropriate any debentures or other securities and assets to defray the necessary costs, charges and expenses thereof.

  • To appeal, solicit, receive or accept grants from any government or nongovernmental institutions, agencies, authorities, public bodies, corporations, trusts, foundations, companies or person(s) and/or money, movable or immovable properties, donations, gifts, subscriptions, devices, bequests, and/or other assistance with a view to promoting the objects of the company and in receiving any gift of property to take the same either unconditionally or subject to any special conditions which may be prescribed by the donor in writing.

  • To open and maintain branches and to undertake such other activities for furtherance of all or any one or more of the objects of the Company in accordance with the provisions made in the Rules and Regulations of the Company. To establish branches and offices in different parts of India and abroad

  • To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of any charitable Association or Institution in all possible manner including giving donations in cash or kind for charitable purpose in any way connected with the purpose of the company or calculated to further its objects.

  • To take part information, management, subsiding supervision or control of the business or operations of any person(s), associations, company or undertaking and for that purpose to act as trustees, administrators, secretaries or in any other capacity or to appoint and administrators, managers or accounts or other experts or agent.

  • To acquire, buy, sell, market, distribute, exchange and/or otherwise dispose of, store, hold, package, transport, use, experiment, or handle any material or equipment in order to achieve the objects of the Company.

  • To improve, manage, work, develop, alter, exchange, lease, mortgage, charge, hypothecate, turn to account, abandon, dispose off or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property, rights, privileges and concessions of the Company, and to manufacture any articles or render any services with utilization of machineries, equipment and assets belonging to the Company.

  • To mortgage, pledge or charge the whole or any part of the property, assets or revenues and profits of the company present or future including its uncalled capital by special assignment or to transfer or convey the same absolutely or in trust and to give the lenders powers of sale and other powers as may seem expedient and to purchase, redeem or payoff any such securities.

  • To operate or raise or secure the payment of any money which may be required for the purpose of the company in such manner as the company may think fit and in particulars, by issue of promissory notes, bonds debenture or debenture stock, perpetuated or otherwise charged upon all or any of the company's property, both present and future and to purchase redeem any pay off such securities or in such manner as the company may think fit. To pay reasonable fees for raising, operating, or securing the payment of money to individuals, companies, institutions or organisations which assist in obtaining such funds.

  • To invest the funds of the Company not immediately required in trust securities or such other investments as the Company in General Meeting may allow or think fit. Also, to invest and deal with moneys of the Company not immediately required in any manner. 40.To open and to operate current, savings and/ or fixed deposit accounts with any bank or banks 41. To draw, make accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue cheques, promissory notes, hundies, bills of lading, railway receipts, bills of exchange, warrants, debentures and other negotiable and instruments of all description in connection with the Company's business.

  • To make advances upon or for the purchase of land, buildings, houses, offices, flats, tenements, shops, other buildings and/or construction thereof; or for materials, goods, furniture, equipment, appliances and stores required for the Company's activities.

  • To incur debts and obligations for the conduct of any business of the Company and to purchase or hire goods, materials, equipment or machineries on credit or otherwise for and business or purpose of this Company.

  • To borrow or raise money for the purpose of the company on such terms and on such security as the company may think fit

  • To obtain any provisional rule, order stature or other legislative provision or enactment for enabling the Company to carry any of its objects into effect or for effecting any modification of the constitution of the Company or for any other purpose which may be expedient and to oppose any proceedings or applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company's interests.

  • To employ and engage skilled professionals, technical advisors, volunteers and interns in activities consistent with the main objects of the company or in the objects ancillary the attainment of main objects of the company with or without remuneration, professional fees or honorarium.

  • To appoint legal advisors and to appoint the banker or bankers for the company and to pay the necessary expenses for the same.

  • To pay all costs, charges, expenses incurred in connection with incorporation of the Company including Page 10 of 14 preliminary expenses of any kind and incidental to the formation of the Company, costs, charges and expenses of negotiating contracts and arrangements made prior to and in anticipation of the formation and incorporation of the Company.

  • To do all such other lawful things as considered necessary for the furtherance of the above objects.

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